What happened when a shopaholic meet another? The answer is, non-stop 4 days visit to 1 borneo and numerous of impulsive purchases. =)
Cousin Asmah visited me for 4 days, with the theme of unwinding. The ticket was a gift from her hubby. Actually this was her second visit to Sabah, after her honeymoon back in 2004. To fit with her theme, Manukan and Kundasang are compulsory in the list. So, on Saturday we headed to Manukan (my 2nd time) and we tried snorkling! It was fun, I can apply my swimming lesson and I was really awed by what they have down underrrrr the sea. But, still, couldn't find Nemo.. LOL..
The next day, we went to Kundasang, located in Ranau. I drove for 1 hour 15 minutes, breaking my previous record of 1 hour and 30 minutes! clap2..hehe.. And for the 1st time amongst my 7x trips to Kundasang, I could see Mount Kinabalu!!! It's always wrapped by thick haze and clouds.
For both occasions, alhamdulillah the weather seemed to approve and permit. Not too blazing and not too wet..
In the between, what else?? we go shop, shop shop! hehe..My cousin has this extreme penchant of watches..Just exactly what elder sis has pre warned me.. hehehe
Oh ya, mom gave me this handbag thru my cousin. I love it, songket and its real leather.I love the leather scent! Thank you, mom. I don't fancy totes, so this gift in the form of handbag?? I really2 appreciate it! Plus its quite pricey before 70% off! =)
My cousin left this morning , earliest flight, leaving me in the empty nest syndrome again! huhu
What fo you think of this baby tee? cute? Match my attempt to be an environmentalist huh? =D

- Aida The Pink Goddess
- Life has taught me a lot about never to put hope on anything but ALLAH. Because when it turns out otherwise, the pain is unbearable. What crashed my past can never crash my present. Please do not use my photos without my permission. AidaThePinkGoddess™ © 2010 all rights reserved

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 6:00 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Om tagged me~
Starting time: 0946 am
Name: Aida, eda, aidalina, adood, kim kardashian (eh?) hehe
Sisters: Biena & elin
Size: baju:M, kasut, 6,7
Height: 161 cm
Where do you live: No 17 taman kingfisher
Have you ever ...
Been on a plane: like 34 times, in 2008 alone??
Swam in the ocean: 'd love to..
Fallen asleep at school: Specially during Cekgu Mariam's class
Broken someone’s heart: YEp, talked about that with Aifa & Azza last 2 nights, resulted us to stay up until 430 am!! We started YMing at 11pm howkay!
Fell off your chair: When I was in priamry school
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: Oh, i have better things to do
Saved e-mails: yes
What is your room like: Pink
What’s right beside you: my mineral water XL bottle
What is the last thing you ate : Chocolate given by Aunty
Chicken pox: still remain a mystery I am not sure hv I been attack / not..aaaaaaaaaaaa
Sore throat: Last month when I cheated death, seriously
Stitches: On my body? when I was 1 year old, I attempted to cut an orange..hmm, the scar is still visible!
Broken nose: NO!
Do you believe in love at first sight: Yes, me & b, living proof!
Like picnics: Yes..depends on people, weather, and food
The last person you danced with: My kindergarten friend named Michael
Last made you smile: OM, reading this of hers!
You last yelled at: Someone who called me last night
Today did u :
Talked to someone you like: No
Kissed anyone: No
Get sick: No
Talk to an ex: no
Miss someone : Sangat...someone's having a blast in Cairo..
Who do you really hate: Om, your answer is hilarious! hahahahaha....I hate busybodies, who have nothing to do, other than poking into other people's life
Do you like your hand-writing: Om, u handwriting is much2 better and uniform than the computer! serious, YUp, I love my handwriting
Are your toe nails painted: nope, I just got them ped.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Mom's,sis' kak nadh's,
Colour shirt are you wearing now: Lilac
Are you a friendly person: Yes, when I am in the mood, but if I am not, stay away.
Do you have any pets: Used to, Hafiz Hashim!
Do you sleep with the TV on: Sometimes, when I dozz off (too tired)
What are you doing right now: Having my breakfast
Can you handle the truth: Insya allah
Are you closer to your mother or father: Both
Do you eat healthy: Yes, i eat all the fruits in the world, and lots of water, but I eat choc too!
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex: -void-
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to: cashiers..hehe
Are you loud or quiet most of the time: aloud maybe,
Are you confident: yes, all the time
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:-
1) Involved in a stupid play dengan tema Kuch Kuch Hota Hei ... sekolah agama k diulang sekolah agama<---Yes, I success Om's answer! Yes me too OM!!! Watak ANJALI..hahaha 2) Ever got 3rd place in the best class yeah! hehe but only for 1st semester.haha
3) Shift from kelas F - Kelas A for my arabic class! yeeehaaa!
4) Bercakap tentang Sejarah, aku ingat 10 years ago kita suka nganok Cikgu Baha Kenja Botol Air Batu Nisan ... or better known as 5B nak? Nya suka nyebut bogel. Pelek-pelek jak cikgu kita<---Om, me, aifa and azza just talked about this thing last night!!! ahhaa 5) Had a huge crush with Azlan Jawawi.hahaha LOL
5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:-
1) I make sure the money multiple
2) Only wearing designer clothe
3) Build a make up counter in my own house
4) hang out with the rich and famous
5) Buy starbucks and change it to my name
5 of my bad habits:
1) Procarstinate
2) Severe PMS
3) spending too much
4) buying things that I dont even need
5) suka gilak bergambar
5 places I’ve lived/living:
1) tabuan Laru
2) Kolej Matrikulasi Labuan
3) asrama puteri Tun Ahmad Zaidi
4) Unimas
5) No 17, taman kingfisher, KK
5 people I tag:-
1) Nadhirah
2) Sabrina
3) Amat farid
4) Benazir
5) maulana
End time: 10:04 am
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:46 AM 0 chemistry(s)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pink Addict, Nicolas
Last night, elder sis called me up telling Nico and Dian are the cover for the February issue Glam magazine. being an ardent fan of Nico, (I love Nico, he resembles my man, errr no, my man looks like him..)I try to find the magazine but...to no avail since KK town is no different with the House of Wax. All business are delayed until the CNY holidays end. I was so bored, cuz i felt a sudden emptiness..still in the mode of crowd at nadh's place..So i decided to watch Bride Wars justnow, alone! Thumbs up, a-must-watch movie.Kate Hudson is soooo cute and Anne Hathaway is plain gorgeous!

Look at that? How can I bear to sleep knowing this exists?
I found this instead, EH! magazine with the title, PINK ADDICT~February is coming,Valentine's Day will mark the calendar, Thats why..So for the pink lovers, make sure you guys grab one of these cuz the content is all about pink!Warning: maybe too pink for your eyes, but as for me, there's no such thing as too much of Pink!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:21 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Engaged, Hitch

Anyways, Congratulations to Kak Nadhirah for her recent engagement with Datu Mohd. Nazaruddin Dato' Datu Tiga Belas (fuhh that's a mouthful of names!)...Before that, I would like to clarify here, I realised that my status, shout out and my recent post title have created quite a stir amongst my friends and fellow blog followers...ITS NOT MY ENGAGEMENT (YET)..I AM NOT THE ONE WHO'S GETTING ENGAGED. I'M TECHNICALLY SINGLE BUT EMOTIONALLY AND DEVOTEDLY NOT AVAILABLE(in a relationship lah tu). I hope I make it clear here, Because I have received numerous messages, text and IMs demanding me to valid the statement. Yes, I am very sure, I am not someone's fiancee yet.

Back to Kak Nadh's engagement ceremony, I surrendered myself to the house-on-hill on Friday, offering all I got to contribute and help out for the preparation. From decorating, cooking,cleaning,brushing, arranging to beautfying, honestly I am more than happy to contribute and be part of the family. It reminds me of my elder sis' wedding 3 years ago. So busy yet so looking forward, we even don't feel the tiredness. The team is led by Aunty, Uncle, Siti, Amira, Kak Asiah & co. and of course the bride-to-be herself, Nadhirah.. Due to lack of manpower, pity akak have to conduct an MBWA where else other spoilt bride-to-be's have their best time pampering themselves from head to toe from performing these duties. Salute her so much. I know I am no one to take over her absent siblings but at least, I hope I can be her compeer, my presence can make her feel her sister and bros are around..=)
The entourage of asking for Nadhirah's hand came at 11 am, comprises of 60-70 representatives from kota Belud (u guys can check at Nadh's blog for more details). Donned in barbie pink and purple, akak looked so gorgeous and extraordinary sweet soothing all the guests eyes together with her fiance also in pink Baju Melayu. I know I have made this statements thousands times before but I must say, they look so sepadan. Their faces resemble each other and they share the same complexion. Memang padan lah! *clap2*..I know you guys start scrolling down for pics right? I try my best to upload the best moments and since we are here reading and sharing akak's joy and significant transition in life, why don't we might as well pray for too kan...
the pics:
hantaran dr pihak perempuan
Hantaran dari pihak lelaki
The newly hitched, Beautiful Nadhirah Hj. Sainuri & Dashing Datu Mohd. Nazaruddin bin Dato' Datu Tiga Belas
After the ceremony, at night, we, the "team" reward ourselves with at-home-theater, BOLT!..hehehe fun huh? INDEED~
To akak: I pray a happy ending fer you, and pray fer your wealth ,health and happiness always. I would like to tell you, I am xtremely happy fer U!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 2:09 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Friday, January 23, 2009
majlis pertunangan
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:03 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Thursday, January 22, 2009
I never wanted meat this much~
And today, I was once again trapped outside my house, with my car key and house key still in my room!!! Then, I walked confidently to the JAKMAS (college Office) to get the duplicate key, but it was closed!! (lunch hour) Da** it! I called my housemate, no answer, but the my smart brain thought that "it's lunch hour, mesti akak ada around UMS" yes..she was! All and all I have to wait for 1 hour outside my house. While waiting, I thought of, instead of taking self-pic, might as well I take pics around my car porch...huhu
TO reward myself, I went to indulge myself a burger king! Never wanted meat this much (read ala2 edward cullen k) hahaa...WOw...sedap,nyaman,nikmat,delicious and SINFUL....=9 yummy! mmm~ gosh i have to swim extra lapse lah ni! =)
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 4:07 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Finally they have this pair of bling2 sandals for 20% cheaper. Apa lagi...hehe..Its sinful for not purchasing such a beauty, with those colorful chunks gems, it is really irresistable! I opt for the gold from the silver because i think it's more fabulous~ =) Maybe this can be an inspiration before I can afford the real diamond studded sandals!
Another different story, I think my hormones is messed up. I got a zit on my cheek (i never did! Its always only around the T-zone and only during PMS.)
And I have an ulcer (canker sore) which is very dreadful and kill my appetite. I have done everything for the remedy : watermelon frost, salt and orange but to no avail. Speaking and washing my face have never been this torturing..hmm..I deny the cause is lack of water because I drink 1.5 L of water per day! I hope it will heal fast! huhuh...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Roses are red, but in my case its pink~
BEFORE THAT, I spotted these...I have been waiting for their appearance!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:33 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Monday, January 19, 2009
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:55 AM 0 chemistry(s)
sampai syurga...insya allah
“Aku lemah tanpa kamu, ku inginmu dampingiku, aku fahami aku bukan terbaik untuk dirimu”
And bravo2!clap3! to Meet Uncle Hussein for bagging the 23 AJL award. Seems like the Estranged phenomenon repeated it self last night. But I don’t blame the juries, the song is extraordinary and according to the composer, it is written inspired by the Killers. That song reminded me of my shallow time in SEDC, because I was using that song for my ringtone during that time. And I by heart the song! Each and every word and it's my 1st choice of karaoke!Mind u~
“tak faham, tak tahan, sabar ku tak tertahan melayan sikapmu perawan, berbeda berbeda kau dan aku berbeda, kita memang tak serupa”
Yesterday, I was invited to have lunch at Nadh’s house fr something big that’s insya allah will take place around August! =) besides nice people around, there were also good food. I was really starving that I finished that holot plate of briyani..Yummy~
A new bookstore called Harris has opened in OB. Guess what I am forced to see….
Am I being to rushing of buying these or it is just Edward Cullen playing hard to get? Hmmmm..
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:37 AM 0 chemistry(s)
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Scars of Body , Mind & Soul
But the Israelis choose to continue their devilry by ignoring the ceasefire. Apparently they are using the new breed of weapon of which is known, have been banned. among the new weapons is the micro pellet, which is the size of a pin's head that enters the human's body through any small hole in the skin, would destroy all the organs, including the heart, lungs and abdomen. Once attacked, the victim will continue bleeding as the entry hole cannot be identified because of the micro size.. How wicked huh?I know wicked is an understatement. Even if I use all the words in the lexicon, still, it cannot describe the catastrophe occurring in Gaza right now.
Another weapon is phosphorus which will not stop burning in, will eat the skin to the muscle and to the bones! Worse, the wound cannot be repaired and the limb must be amputated because you simply cannot find anything to repair. *$$^%$#!!!
Nail bombs. What a formidable name huh? It is..It will blow the nail at a high speed and will penetrate human body through the skin! OOOO...how mean is that?? It is soo inhumane. Israelis do not even deserve to be called animal! I read in The Star, 17 january, a man (a victim of the nailbombs) with the nails cutting INTO his leg and ENTERING his TESTICLES and PENIS and OUT the other side. HE LOST HIS PENIS! This left me to awe, speechless and very2 devastated. The Israelis do not just merely kill, they put their BEST EFFORT in killing! Like a guy who is just not whistling to woo a girl, but buy her a car, a house and diamonds! What a metaphore. But truly what is happening in Gaza right now is beyond norms. Still, none of the powers in the world can put this to a halt!

Allahuakbar~If I could, I don't mind offering the blessings I am about to get to them 1st if there's any...ameeeen~
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Salaam...First of all, I'd like to say that I am so flattered with all the feedback I got for my blogs.(emails,YM,even text and phonecalls) Thanks for liking my blog,loving it, some looking 4wd to it, some even addicted to it and foremost some have gained something from it..I will try my best to give daily updates, but honestly this is more to a personal blog..so, if you guys don't mind seeing me documenting my life, you are most welcome~
Today, finally I was destined to sign the FREE PALESTINE banner at UMS....I passed by the banner everyday but today is the day..hehe
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:49 PM 0 chemistry(s)
10 strangest things sold on ebay
I watched the breakfast show this morning. ( I am quite displease of how boring TBS is recently..no more fun, more news-ey and formal handling..hmmm) Then they come with this:
The ten strangest things sold on eBay
1 A man's entire life
Ian Usher was fed up with his whole life - so he sold it on eBay. The winning bidder, who paid around £200,000, got Mr. Usher's house, car, job and introductions to his friends in Perth, Australia.
2 A soul
To be honest, this never actually got sold – because eBay cracked down on musician Dante Knoxx after he put his soul up for auction, pulling the listing before it got any bids.
3 Michael Jackson's underwear
A pair of Michael Jackson's boxer shorts were sold, with a reserve price of $1million. The Calvin Klein undies had been seized as evidence during a 2003 child molestation investigation.
4 A baby
A couple who put their baby on eBay for 1 euro as a joke briefly had the child removed from their custody, and were investigated for child trafficking. They got the kid back eventually.
5 A cornflake shaped like Illinois
Two sisters from Virginia were so shocked when they found a cornflake that was roughly the shape of Illinois that they put it up for sale. It attracted bids of over $1,000.
6 A town in Texas
The small town of Albert in Texas was sold on eBay, along with the title of Mayor of Albert. The ad boasted that the town was 'known for its towering oaks, wildflowers, German heritage and laid-back attitude.' It also had a beer garden.
7 Hi-tech toilets
Hi-tech toilets, originally bought by the city of Seattle for $5million, but subsequently scrapped after they became a haven for drug users, raised only $12,549 when they were later sold on eBay.
8 A vote in the 2008 US election
A University of Minnesota student discovered the hard way that selling his vote in the 2008 American elections was not the best plan, after he was charges with one count of bribery, treating and soliciting under a 1893 law banning the sale of votes.
9 Revenge knickers
A jilted wife got revenge on her husband by selling his mistresses over-sized knickers and a 'small sized' condom wrapper that she'd found in their bed.
10 Rhino dung
The International Rhino Foundation had the bright idea of flogging rhino poo as a way of raising funds. Um, yeah. Good idea.
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 10:08 AM 0 chemistry(s)
Labels: e-bay
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Salaaam readers...today was a very hectic day cuz I was out of home since noon-pm..I went to fetch Ika and went to take her baju kurung at the tailor, but she was not happy because the cuffs were not done as we requested..So, she gave the tailor to alter and come back by next week.. *sigh* A massive traffic jam took place at Kingfisher so we decided to go home first, perform Asar before I went purse hunting. But the traffic was so bad that it did not move at all! Fyi, Kingfisher has only one exit and it seemed like we were trapped! So, what we did was to call the traffic and go home to pray first. When we went out for the 2nd time, Walla! the traffic was so clear! So, we are so proud that we perform a heroic duty today with only my, eh..ika's cellphone. he.
Straight to the point, I stumbled into this purse, fell in love and bought it. MMS elder sis and guess what?? She loves it too!She requested me to purchase 3 of them! white, black and red. They also have it in brown.Mine's red.
Apparently, UMS has joined the community and put their support againts Israel into action. Along the School of Business and Econ we could see a stretch of white banner, opened to all the students to sign and express whatever they got of course pertaining the Israel lah. Wondering what this will do? is it a petition or again just a symbolic conribution? At least we are in the same wavelength..allahuakbar!~ may his blessings be with the palestinians..