King David
Just so all of you know, The Biggest Loser Asia has finally ended and the crowned is none other than King David, from Indonesia. His victory has created stir especially amongst fans of the majority choice- Carlo. Following conferred TBL, David received more condemns rather than acknowledgment pertaining his triumph. This is all because of his much difference in term of appearance which people claimed to look emaciated, haggard and sick. Losing a whooping 81kgs or 54% of his initial weight, you tell me. Kalau x berbeza tak tau la, the thing is, you have seen him in his heavier body that's why he looks a lot more different now, if not, he'll look like a normal person jer.
But definitely, I am not one of those who gone bonkers over David's coronation. Obviously those people are ones who NEVER been in David's shoes. Therefore I would like to give my 2 cents technically and emotionally.
If you are striving to lose weight, and you can really see the progress, there will be one stage you will become obsessed of working out and petrified of eating. You will not realise that you have overdone it. What more to say these contestants. To reach this level, I am damn sure they are willing to die to lose weight. They joined this competition with huge will power, dreams and of course to prove something to some people. Each of them had enough of ordeal and turmoil that they have their own stories and reasons why they want to get rid of their unwanted excess baggage! Some would say, all matters to David is the money, but for me, the USD100k is NOTHING compared to his endeavor, together with the pain and agony which we never knew! Now he has accomplished the biggest achievement of his life after he felt all the torture and torment literally! Ingat senang ke nak hilang half of your body?
So, clear off your hatred, look at the bright side, congratulations to David, you deserve it because you literally work hard.
P/S: What motivates David to join TBLA? this is his answer: "I want to honour God with my body, to look compatible to my fiancée, have good health and a long life, and make my family proud.”
Need me to say more? I think I am done.
13 chemistry(s):
hoho. i recently lost 3kgs kak aida!! all because of the activities i joined here in campus n kurang mkn nasi :D tp td saya revenge makan banyak gila2 sbb motivation sudah down. tell me how to keep up with the motivation??
well done khairieah!! but becareful, what u r facing now is called "binge eating effect" .. bahaya tu, just keep evertyhing in moderate ok dear? u'll need someone to motivate you, ask ur fren or you dear ones ok?
oo binge eating effect? i'll google it rightaway! huhu.. now i feel guilty pula at the end of the day coz mmg serius banyak! wuwuwu.. thanks for the tips, including yg dulu2 punya tu yg tahun lepas punya kakak post.. :D
yaa, mmg begitu.. cuba khaireieah google ada tu... all the best!! mesti dpt tu, chaiyo2!!
tak mustahil dia boleh jadi jutawan
mmg sgt hebat!! i salute him!
i salute him too. actually im glad he won this! urghh.. his fiancee is damnnn damnn damnn hot! same with aaron siblings!
i didnt get to see the finals! huuuuuuuuuuuuu...
pa, sy sedih org condemn nya, maka susah2 nya kurus!!
mmg dasyat..hehe..but y orang condemn die kak?
sebab dia terlalu kurus..
dah nama game pun The BIGGEST Loser, mmg la contestant yg plg kurg berat badan@kurus yg akan menang..pelik btul org mau condemn dia. mgkin sbb muka dia terlalu cekung kot,org ingat anorexia.. haishh..kesian dia.
yg condemn tu ketara tak pernah mengalami perkara camni, tu la pasal,
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