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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

THINK PINK, October is breast cancer awareness month

I think I am obliged to share this entry with all of you especially females. Breast cancer can kill. Remember? It claimed the live of our beloved Tun Endon Mahmood.

Endon underwent a radical mastectomy on 18 April 2002, which was followed by 33 sessions of radiation and a series of physiotherapy sessions at St. John’s. Endon discovered she had breast cancer in 2003 while her twin sister Noraini who had earlier been diagnosed with the disease died in January 2003. Endon later left for St. John’s Medical Centre in Los Angeles, California for treatment, and again in June this year for Abraxane chemotherapy, which has yet to be introduced to Malaysia. Endon later received further chemotherapy treatment in the United States and returned to Malaysia on October 2, 2005. She was later brought home to Seri Perdana to be with her family after spending two weeks in Putrajaya Hospital.

On 20 October 2005, Endon died after a long battle with breast cancer.

The best protection is EARLY DETECTION.

All women are at risk when it comes to breast cancer, but no one knows what exactly causes breast cancer. Doctors often cannot explain why one woman develops breast cancer and another does not. Research has shown that women with certain risk factors are more likely than others to develop breast cancer.

Some examples of risk factors are:

  • Cancer is heredatary; If your sister, mother, or daughter developed breast cancer, then you have a higher risk of developing it yourself.
  • Your own personal history with cancer;
  • The age at which your menstrual cycle began; how earlier your cycle began, how higher the risk.
  • The age at which you go through menopause; women who have their menopause after the age of 55 are at higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • The age at which you give birth to your first child; the risk increases with older age, but if you have first degree relatives with carcinoma of the breast, then risk goes down.
  • Your current age; The risk increases with age. Age is the biggest risk factor. (76% of women who develop breast cancer had no other risk factors).
  • Your race; Caucasian women have a slightly higher risk than Black, Hispanic, or Asian women.
  • Your health; women who are overweight or obese after their menopause have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Drinking alcohol; studies suggest that the more alcohol a woman drinks, the greater her risk of breast cancer.
Many risk factors can be avoided, others, such as family history, cannot. Women can help protect themselves by staying away from known risk factors whenever possible, but shouldn't let it dominate their life. It is important to keep in mind that most women who have known risk factors do not get breast cancer, and most women with breast cancer do not have a family history of the disease. In fact, except for growing older, most women with breast cancer have no clear risk factors. If you think you may be at risk, you should discuss this concern with your physician. He or she may be able to suggest ways to reduce your risk, and can plan a schedule for checkups.

How You can Conduct a Self Breast Exam

Step 1

The first step is to look at your breasts in a mirror, with straight shoulders and your arms on your hips.

You should look if:

  • Breasts are their usual size, shape, and color.
  • Breasts are evenly shaped without visible distortion or swelling.

If you see any of the following changes you should inform you doctor:

  • Dimpling, puckering, or bulging of the skin.
  • A nipple that has changed position or become inverted (pushed inward).
  • Redness, soreness, rash, or swelling of the breasts.

Step 2 and 3

Raise your arms and look for the same changes as you did in Step 1.

While you're at the mirror gently squeeze each nipple between your finger and thumb and check for nipple discharge (this could be a milky or yellow fluid, or even blood).

Step 4

Feel your breasts while lying down, using your right hand to feel your left breast and then your left hand to feel your right breast. Use a firm, smooth touch with the three middle fingers of your hands, keeping the fingers flat and together; use a circular motion.

Check the entire breast from top to bottom, side to side - from your collarbone to the top of your abdomen, and from your armpit to you cleavage.

Step 5

Finally, feel your breasts while you are standing or sitting. Many women find that the easiest way to feel their breasts is when their skin is slippery, so they like do this step in the shower. Follow the same procedures an in Step 4.



Start now, every woman has risk. Do not take it for granted. Since we have the chance to prevent, so why don't we?

2 chemistry(s):

abu ubaidah said...

pelik naa juak,kartun pun mau di censored haha

Aida The Pink Goddess said...

ingatkan nak biar je... tapi takut ada komen2 nanti

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