I spent the whole day sorting out all my clothes. I decided to discard some of them, or better, give them away..they are still in excellent condition. Some of them even yet to be worn! It's just that I wanna get rid of the abundance of many kinds. The "why-did-i-buy-this-type"...the "already-turned-baggy" type, the "what-the" type and "I-have-this-for-100-years-already-type"
But worry not, all of them are beautiful, You guys can buy my taste right? I have them packed up and will determine their fate later..
I have this interesting habit in sorting out my clothes. I discriminate them..How's that?
I put ones with pink hues together in one locker and the rest in other locker.Maybe this is somekind of disorder.LOL. I even do tis when travelling, pink clothes in one bag and the rest will have to have consent with that! hehe..But I have been practicing this since I was in boarding school, when i got all the lockers, bed, toiletteries, to myself, I am one person who like personalized things.
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