- Aida The Pink Goddess
- Life has taught me a lot about never to put hope on anything but ALLAH. Because when it turns out otherwise, the pain is unbearable. What crashed my past can never crash my present. Please do not use my photos without my permission. AidaThePinkGoddess™ © 2010 all rights reserved

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Congrats Harimau Malaya! ;Lagu Tema: Rehab by Amy Winehouse
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 2:02 PM 4 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Boredom; Lagu Tema: Forget You by Cee Lo Green
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:27 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Pink is the New Black; Lagu Tema: Airplanes by B.O.B feat. Hayley Williams
Blazer: Oggy
Shirt: Emilio Valentino
Tie: Vintage
Pants: PDI
Shoes: Adidas
[click] Airplanes by B.O.B feat. Hayley Williams
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:05 AM 6 chemistry(s)
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Cara Makan Muhammad S.A.W
Berikut adalah amalan makan baginda yang paling wajar dicontohi and the most sensible without most of us realizing it.
1. Hanya makan yang Halal (sesuai dengan syariat) dan Thoyyib (cemerlang dari segi khasiat) *from only this 1st tip, you can overcome any diet issue already.
2. Berhenti makan sebelum kenyang
3. Jangan tergoda untuk makan lagi sesudah kenyang.
4. Jangan makan melebihi sepertiga perut kerana 2/3 lagi adalah untuk air dan udara (nafas)
5. Setelah Subuh, amalkan minum air suam + madu
6. Jangan memenuhi mulut dengan banyak makanan sekaligus
7. Amalkan makan beramai-ramai
8. Bersihkan jari-jari dengan mulut seusai makan
9. Ketika masuk waktu dhuha, dianjurkan makan 7 butir tamar
10. Amalkan minyak zaitun di waktu petang
11. Pada malam hari, makanan utama baginda hanyalah sayur-sayuran
12. Jangan makan lebih dari satu jenis makanan panas atau dingin secara bersama
13. Tidak makan ikan dan daging pada masa yang sama
14. Tidak terus tidur selepas makan
15. Kurangkan makan daging
Demikian antara amalan makan Rasulullah, you don't have to stretch extra mile to look for the best way to consume. Kalau dilihat, tidak complicated at all, semuanya about moderation. His is always the best way.
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:42 PM 11 chemistry(s)
Saturday, December 25, 2010
So long 2010; Lagu Tema:Coming Home by P. Diddy feat Skylar Grey
2010 has been tough for me the first half year when I was having a hard time securing a job. I was the closest to depression as a result of self pity and there were times I just weeped for no reason, All I have is me to get myself composed. I did what I do the best. Ignore. There's always light at the end of every tunnel, I got a job in May! And my working life has been so so so great, although a little bit of struggling was necessary at the beginning. Hands down to my shenanigans colleagues, I have the aswesomestest colleagues in the whole world I tell you. 7 months go by so placid without I am realizing it. Next year will be my third semester and I'm all prepared for whatever stints. I guess that is all highlight for my 2010 as the 1st four months had been horrendous but nevertheless, I am very glad that I am able to rise in one piece. :) 2011, I hope you offer me with lots and loads of fortuitous chances. I am all in!
[click] Coming Home by P. Diddy feat. Skylar
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 2:33 PM 7 chemistry(s)
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Of Staff Dinner 2010 Lagu Tema: I gotta feeling by B.E.P
Pic in the washroom mirror-compulsory
I superlove Pressca's blouse. If I were to sit and discuss with my designer (in my dreams!), I think I would come up with something like this. Frills, ruffles. Love!!
I won Lucky Draw that night! That was my 4th lucky draw in my entire life. hehe, And our department (academic dept) secured 2nd place for performance. Not bad, as ours was impromptu, no rehearsal and last minute some more! hehe Oh ya, our performance was Miss Universe 2010. And the catch? The GUYS gotta be the contestant. Hilarious it was. Lol.
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 1:47 PM 8 chemistry(s)
Saturday, December 18, 2010
I want to go to KK again Lagu Tema:Grenade by Bruno Mars
Iman, redha ibu bapa, kasih sayang dan camera
di rumah saya, temanya pink.
at every breath i take
insya allah ke akhir hayat
di KK
Business management
Aidalina Fazura binti Mahili
I'm a daddy's girl but now lebih rapat ngan mak cuz only the 2 of us at home..
my other half
tempat versalji
she was one blogger in the blogsphere
for the time being, Grenade by Bruno Mars
4 oct , 4 oct 2009 laa!!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 5:55 PM 8 chemistry(s)
Friday, December 17, 2010
Rainbow always come out after the pour; Lagu Tema: Hadapi dengan Senyuman by Dewa
Five bad news came to me within these 3 days in one blow. I wish I can still keep myself composed and head held high. Come to think of it, none of these is the worst case scenario, I have faced much2 more abominable yet I survived. Apa2 pun hadapi dengan senyuman :) Regardless the tender age of mine, U have no idea what I have faced since I was a kid. That's why Mom says I am special.
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 10:15 PM 1 chemistry(s)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Malaysian and Badminton are sooo associated Lagu Tema: When its Over by Sugar Ray
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:38 AM 0 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Hari ini 9 Muharram Lagu Tema: Alhamdulillah by Too Phat feat. Yassin
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:45 AM 7 chemistry(s)
Monday, December 13, 2010
THERE'S MORE!!! Lagu Tema: Everybody by Ingrid Michaelson

Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:41 PM 0 chemistry(s)
My First Attempt of ODJ; Lagu Tema: Gadis Semasa by Yuna
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:36 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Friday, December 10, 2010
KK Trip Part II; Lagu Tema: Firework by Katy Perry
The Yin of my Yang
It looks like this (ihsan abang Google)
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 5:35 PM 7 chemistry(s)