December '08 - January '09 I was down with the worst fever of my life. The doctor said it was viral fever. I took blood sample four times but still they failed to detect anything. I literally shivered in my sleep and at one point I really thought that was the end, I could see the images of my beloved ones in my sleep. Alhamdulillah, I managed to fight and that's how I welcomed 2009.
January '09- Kakak got engaged! I was very happy to help all through, and for sure we had fun. I am happy is she's happy. How time flies, now she's 4 months pregnant!! Congratulations to her! :)

February '09- Our 1st photoshoot, at this stage, all of us were still in the getting-to-know each other process. So, this activity had made us into a closer knit and we could comprehend everyone's true color! For sure, it was fun!! Thanks to Mr. Zainuddin.
March '09- Me and my friends got the chance to meet the songstress, Kris Dayanti. It was a charity events that took place in One Borneo. The best part is it was free!! Again, thanks to Mr. Zainuddin and his wife for the once for a lifetime chance. I still remember how excited Me and Ika.
April '09- Our 2nd photoshoot, now at Tanjung Lipat. Fun as usual, tapi panas! Thanks again to Mr. Zainuddin.
Ika decided to cover up. Let me be clear, it was 100% of her pure sincere intention, I did not have any influence at all, what I did is to give my support.
June '09- Eppa got engaged! She the was the 1st one among us. So happy for you dear, and she's getting married somewhere in July next year!
Drum rolls pleaseeee... hehe, it's b's homecoming! I welcomed him in KL and we went shopping together for our big day!

July '09- "I know that he loves me cuz it's obvious, I know that he loves me cuz it's me he chose"
Finally, it's my turn to get engaged. 4th of Jluy to be exact, how happier can I be kan? alhamdulillah. 2 days post engagement was my VIVA VOCE! And it went beyond smooth.
August '09- Kakak's wedding day! I was there for both ocassion, KK and KB, a spectacular wedding indeed! My sister came up to Sabah and so did my parents. I spent a lot of time in KK, thanks to her wedding.
Sept '09- Surprise trip to KK! This is the best trip I must say. No work related activity, plus its Ramadhan!
Sending B back to Kursk.. hmmm =( I flew to KL the next day after I landed in Kch from KK. huhu
Oct '09- This October, my birthday had been outshined by another significant event. Me being confered my MA, up until now, I still couldn't believe that I managed to finish it on time! Dugaan all the way, tuhan je tau..Alhamdulillahh....
Obviously, most of my happy times were in KK. 2009 has been very2 meaningful! I'm glad and thankful that nothing bad happened. To all who took part in these events, I miss you guys, because apparently, all of you are far away! I wish 2010 will promise me/us better prospects. Hope yyou guys semua makin cantik/hensem, makin slim, makin sopan, makin ayu, makin kaya, makin beriman, makin solehah, cepat kahwin, cepat dpt baby... Ameeeen....
"Happy 2010 peeps"