Since Babah and lil sis r going back tomorrow, I hereby would like to declare that Eid is over for me! (T_T). Things to look forward now are my convocation and of course my 24th birthday, both will take place in Oct. Therefore, I would like.....errmmm, nope, I think I deserve to demand my birthday cum convocation gift, so, anyone who thinks she/he LOVES, CONCERNS, CARES and WANTS TO SEE ME HAPPY, please take note... cuz I x selalu minta. =)
Below are my wishlist, I rank them according from most wanted to the least. hehhe

MAC studio perfect SPF 15 foundation REFILL~yes, i only want the refill.. I almost finished mine, so I hope there's someone out there who is noble enough to give me one..
Maybelline Quad Eyeshadow- I would love to have the copper brown and lilac mauve..currently I already got the wine pink.....

decent looking jewellery box...been wishing for soo long already~

Miss Dior Cherie EDT, happy if i get one

A pair of Oxford heels (preferably in Mustard) Oh Love!~
And of course i wish I'll have a happier and blessed life!~ happy shopping people! =P