Looking forward for another one guys!

- Aida The Pink Goddess
- Life has taught me a lot about never to put hope on anything but ALLAH. Because when it turns out otherwise, the pain is unbearable. What crashed my past can never crash my present. Please do not use my photos without my permission. AidaThePinkGoddess™ © 2010 all rights reserved

Monday, August 31, 2009
Berbuka Puasa
Looking forward for another one guys!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:07 PM 4 chemistry(s)
Sunday, August 30, 2009
To merge lika a zip...
Went to not 1 but 2 BRs (Bazaar Ramadhan) today with mom. Since it's only me and mom, cooking is ironically wasting, thus, we opt to just buy our berbuka menu. I was so happy cuz finally my long search for kole kacang has come to the end. I found it at BR Penrissen (kem tentera).
Before that, me and mom went to BR Batu 7 or now known as Kota Sentosa. I think this place is better cuz the food are more varied.
Nasi Briyani, again, Ika, I miss you..hehe
Mak's choice fer berbuka today : Ayam Percik!
and the list goes on............
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 5:53 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:11 PM 0 chemistry(s)
This is a rare post.
I excitedly ripped the package just like kid experiencing his first birthday. Of all that I thought what would be inside, it was THIS!
Literally made from a used jeans. Got embroidery somemore! The belt looks like it was custom made for the bag! Can't be any matching!
A gorgeous-chic, hand made denim hand bag by B! I was so excited and I quickly flaunt it in front of Mom. The scent made me miss the sender badly. I wonder how much perfume did he spray on it. The gift somehow made me blushing to the core. It made me feel shameful being a woman of not having such talent to match, let alone to beat his. Now, this completes the package, he cooks, he draws, and he sews! A bag! I wonder someday its not impossible if he would come up with a self made shoes! oh oh oh. As much as I'm eyeing a Jimmy Choo, it really made my day when I received a full-effort hand made bag from Baby Boo! see it rhymes! heheh..
But that was not all, B included a beautiful self made card with a comic twist! It melted me in seconds. huuhu
This brings me down to the time when courting years are about making your partner stuff with your own hand and arty side, whereelse now, almost all are purchased and the sense of uniqueness is no longer there!
Thank u b, I think that's is soo sweet & I heart u
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 11:42 AM 2 chemistry(s)
Friday, August 28, 2009
Nur Kasih
Anyways, hows your puasa? Mine's great although it's only me and Mak here. Just like Lorelai and Rory of Gilmore girls.hhehe.
Anyways, I fall in love with these, what do you guys think?
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:30 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
nurul syuhada.bazaar ramadhan sell fish?
Nurul Syuhada dah break dengan Mejar Faiz. Sumber ni sahih dari rakan rapat Nurul dari Kustem. Sepatutnya Nurul & Faiz bertunang pada 4 julai lalu, tetapi last minute Nurul batal’kan. Katanya terlalu awal & belum bersedia. Tapi hal sebenarnya,dia dah ada penganti lain. Student di Incef, nama Raja Amir. Kesian Faiz, katanya frust jugalah Faiz. Iya lah, sudah banyak duit Faiz dikeluarkan. Persiapan kahwin pun sudah dibuat. Dengar ceritanya, Faiz sudah belikan Nurul cincin Diamond Solitare RM10 ribu, booking dewan putrajaya. Kononnya, nak ambil Pak Engku sebagai wedding planner.
Raja Amir ni budak Desa Sri Hartamas, sosial juga lah. Standard anak orang kaya katakan. Satu Unicef sudah kecoh. Hari itu masa dinner budak-budak Incef, Raja Amir tayang Nurul dekat budak kampus. Makan hati’lah budak lain kan, hal ni sudah kecoh satu Incef, cuma media sahaja belum tahu
Wait! you are at the correct blog. It's not that I'm too desperate to post entry with a filthy malay gossip (after being entry-less for the past month) or deviating my blog direction to something like ikanstim, but this story really got my attention. If this is true, who on earth would have the guts to reject Dr. Faiz?! Hail Nurul Syuhada! That's life, we always settle down for the better, if not, the best.
Yesterday, after I completed running errands, it was still early to fetch mom, so I decided to drop by Bazaar Ramadhan Satok to take a look. For foreigners who read my blog (chewah), Bazaar Ramadhan Satok is the most famous hawkers stalls specially erected for this holy month. You can find everything under the sun from nasi briyani, lok2, mee kolok, laksa sarawak, bubur pedas, terubok panggang, kuih bongkol, cerodey and so on.
Actually, I wanted to put on my flogger hat but upon reaching there, I became shy to snap the food with my humble sony, not under the hawkers' heavy scrutiny. Maybe I should flaunt a DSLR at least to be more welcome instead of being stared awkwardly.
These are the only pics I manage to capture.
Selfishness/ tak grad driving school..I am emotional, cuz I am affected, did he/she know how difficult to find parking in this area?
Mouthwatering. I stop after the hawker stare at me as if I'm more tempting than her noodles!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:54 AM 5 chemistry(s)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Way Back Into Love........
1.Bekas kekasih saya adalah
Nicholas Saputra
2.Saya sedang mendengar
music and lyrics ost-way back into love, currently addicted to this song
3.Mungkin saya patut
go to KK now!
4.Saya suka
kota kinabalu over anything!!
5.Sahabat-sahabat baik saya
scattered all around the world.
6.Saya tak paham bagaimana
Jacob can be such a darling in new moon cuz in twilight i x pandang dia langsung! he
7.Saya kehilangan
my handphone and my strength eversince I left KK.
8.Ramai yang berkata
kenyangnyaaaaaaaa after breaking fast
9.Makna nama saya
aida-keberuntungan lina-kelembutan so aidalina-prempuan lembut yang untung atau perempuan untung yang lembut. ;p
10.Cinta itu adalah
heroin ada apa dengan cinta..
11.Di suatu tempat, seseorang sedang
berbuka puasa...
12.Saya akan
kumpul duit over buang duit. seriously!
13.Ayat SELAMANYA membawa maksud
forever, abadan abada
14.Telefon bimbit saya
nokia paling mundur
15.Bila saya terjaga dari tidur
cek handphone dan akan kecewa kalau xda msg
16.Saya paling meluat apabila orang
tak baik la meluat bulan puasa al kareem
17.Pesta/Parti adalah
bergembira, makan, bergambar, balloon
18.Haiwan yang paling comel yang saya pernah temui ialah
hafiz hashim dan remy, both are my favourite cats!
19.Peringkat umur yang paling menyeronokkan bagi saya ialah
20s...i earned my bachelor, masters and a fiance! he
20.Hari ini
100% of my time are allocated for finishing my New Moon.huhu
21.Malam ini saya akan
menonton Bionikniknik!
22.Esok pula saya akan
run the errands as ordered by Mommy
24.Ketika anda lihat wajah anda di hadapan cermin pagi ini
got one zit at the eyebrow..biasa.
25.Pusat membeli-belah atau arked permainan
one borneo!!!!!! i miss this boyfriend of mine!
26.Makanan Barat atau Jepun
Jepunnnnnn...mau kulit salmonnnnnnn
27.Bilik yang terang atau gelap
gelap wajib untuk tidur
28.Makanan segera adalah
29.Ayat terakhir yang anda katakan pada seseorang?
ok bye kaaaaa to ika. thru the phone
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 10:38 PM 1 chemistry(s)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
New Moon...so lambat my story.he
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 5:21 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Ramadhan datang lagi
Happy Ramadhan to all Muslimin and Muslimat. Be this Ramadhan the better one than the previous. Saratkan ia dengan ibadah seperti ia Ramadhan terakhir kita..
P/s: other than devoting yourself for good deeds, Ramadhan is the most suitable time for Shilpa Shety's belly, kaki liyana jasmay and atilia's size.hehe :)
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 10:18 AM 0 chemistry(s)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Handbag hunting

Jimmy Choo.. 0_O

Sebagai Aida the pinkgoddess, wajib fall in love with this

Juicy couture

White tapi..

But actually I am looking for something pouch-like , ada tali cerut2 ya bah, if you happen to bump into one, please keep me informed ya! =)
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 6:28 PM 0 chemistry(s)
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
In a world where a lot of people
settle for the ordinary
you are exceptional.
You've got your own style,
your own sense of self.
You know who you are,
where you've come from,
and where you're going.
You have the kind of integrity,
others can admire and respect.
In a world where a lot of people
make do with imitations,
you are real.
You're honest and gentle,
yet you're strong in all the ways
that really matter.
In a world where a lot of people
never find the right person to love,
I found you...
and I feel so fortunate
that we share
life and love together
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:06 PM 0 chemistry(s)