Someone should have warned me. Confinement period is 1000x more torturous than labor! My confinement lady is my worst enemy right now. I loath all the practice during confinement. Seriously, who on earth could survive this? I am very contemporary in this kind of stuff, I am not that keen of all the paku benang tiup pupus thingy. But as long as it is not against syarak and my body still can take it and it's not ridiculous, I will try to adapt. Alright, ginger to expel wind, fine, I can eat it for the whole of my confinement but other superstitious thing like you have to give away GOLD if your infant poo during mandi, wth? I am not being boasty, am being rational. Anyways, I follow the meal regime religiously, for now, I have my breakfast, lunch and dinner on time and they are full meal as in rice and dishes. So far, my favourite dish is Pusuk Aruk Leyak Bawang Putih (Anchovies with Ginger and Garlic). My routine, would be breakfast, massage (bertapal), BFing Ayra, Lunch, BFing Ayra again, bertapal again and very early dinner at 6. It's easy to be strict on diet when there's someone is really looking after your mealtime..
For the supplement, I use Amway Post Natal set and so far, I have nothing to complain, my body suits the herbs and supplements very well.
11 chemistry(s):
hehe kena kikis emas klu anak berak dlm basin
gik ada juak ritual berik emas ya duhal dood oo.. mak sy ada juak madah zaman dolok ng gya.. huhu
give away gold if poop during bath? give to who? never heard of that before...
Biar berpanas2 sekarang..asalkan 'hot' dikemudian hari ..hehe goodluck!
in 4more days, sy genap sebulan berpantang! kalau bby tberak dlm besen xda dgr pula. tapi, hari tu, kena suruh kikis emas atas pusat baby supaya cepat kering. =.= tapi sy xbuat,kering juga. bila org tua2 tanya, angguk saja ckp ada buat. hahaha. for me, yg paling boring. i cant eat anything selain sup ayam! :( fyi, jgn makan halia byk sgt, akan buat baby jaundice :) i eat lots of ayam+halia rebus. sampai baby kuning paras 400! :( hampir2 kena tukar darah.
Hi Aida..
I agree.. Confinement was torturous for me as well. Imagine only eating chicken lihing soup for 30 days with no garam, aji or pepper. By the final week I felt like screaming during meal time. Thank God it's over. Hahaha..
visiting u and baby ayra..happy confinement..
take care n jg bb elok2
paling boring sbb kita yg bebas bgerak cuma mengharapkan org menolong sentiasa.. gud luck tau
tq for all the comments, obviously am not alone.! i can see all the practice become fader each time.. hehe
salam,hehe..sonok baca..jom visit blog saya untuk kisah berpantang saya...
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