- Aida The Pink Goddess
- Life has taught me a lot about never to put hope on anything but ALLAH. Because when it turns out otherwise, the pain is unbearable. What crashed my past can never crash my present. Please do not use my photos without my permission. AidaThePinkGoddess™ © 2010 all rights reserved

Sunday, February 27, 2011
Demure Wardrobe Sale is back!!; Lagu Tema: Boom Boom Pow by BEP
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 2:01 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Flog; Lagu Tema: Babak Pertama by Drama
P/S: Sorry I make you drool!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:51 AM 8 chemistry(s)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Cornetto Love; Lagu Tema: Inikah Cinta by Akim
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 5:12 PM 5 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Aku Tidak Solat Tapi Aku Berjaya, Aku Solat Tetapi Senantiasa Sedih
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:42 AM 19 chemistry(s)
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Identity Crisis; Lagu Tema: Caramu Copycat by A to Z
I can try to give you everything you need, you want, try to be the best in your eyes, take all the measures & effort to simi-level yours, try not to give up to bear all the unbearables challenges all the way, the simultaneous obstacles that keep crossing over, to combat the temptations that uninvitedly coming over...
But, at the end of the day, It's just an ORDINARY me that I could offer and I hope you can make the best out of it. Heart u so much."
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:07 AM 12 chemistry(s)
Monday, February 21, 2011
Screw Monday Blues!!! Lagu Tema: Little Wild One, That Thing You Do OST
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:01 AM 7 chemistry(s)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Accolades Part 1; Lagu Tema: More to Life by Stacie Orrico
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 4:49 PM 3 chemistry(s)
Accolades Part 2 ; Lagu Tema:Wanita Seluruh Dunia by Projek Pistol
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 3:01 PM 10 chemistry(s)
Thursday, February 17, 2011
CNY Get Together; Lagu Tema: Lady In Red by Chris De Burgh
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 11:10 PM 5 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Wordless Wednesday; Lagu Tema: Marry You by Glee
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 1:12 AM 2 chemistry(s)
Monday, February 14, 2011
AidaThePinkGoddess She Is; Lagu Tema : Marry You by Bruno Mars
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:57 AM 11 chemistry(s)
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Shades Tale; Lagu Tema: Maaf dari Hati by Sofazr
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 7:39 PM 6 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
*updated! She who... :Lagu Tema:Lean On Me by Glee
She who is with me through thick and thin, happiness and sorrow
She who knows me better than I know myself
We've been through a lot together! Tapi, sikit pun kau nda kena tempias pink.haha
I bet this is a special birthday for her sebab Ika telah mendapat hadiah special dari si dia yang "hitam2 humble"
[click]Lean On Me by Glee
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:16 AM 11 chemistry(s)
Monday, February 7, 2011
Kryptonite; Lagu Tema: Gangsta Paradise by Coolio feat. LV
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:05 AM 7 chemistry(s)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Epiphany of Frugality; Lagu Tema: Toxic by Britney Spears
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 8:04 PM 6 chemistry(s)