This selendang is of a SQUARE spread. The common square veil. Yes, we can also transform it into a SELENDANG! This is how.
1. Get ready a square selendang, (not too small)
2,3. As usual, apply the veil with one side longer than the other.
4. You will get this.
5. This is the tricky part. Make sure you adjust the veil to get overlapping corner (in the red circle). This will determine the accuracy of your veil later.
6. After you manage to do step no. 5, bring that part and keep twisting it around, wrapping your head until you get step 7,8,9 and 10. Don't forget to pin kan dia.
11,12. Pandangan belakang.
5 chemistry(s):
tok kacak!
sila cuba, u rock it better!
dah c0ba dah..camney m0k ngkah nama saya,tudung sy guna pendek ckit..sik bsar lak cam awak pun tudung..ada lah kesulitan d sia...
hehehe, saya tok aza...coba lagi za..makin kecik ptt makin senang.hehe
saya tauk*
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