- Aida The Pink Goddess
- Life has taught me a lot about never to put hope on anything but ALLAH. Because when it turns out otherwise, the pain is unbearable. What crashed my past can never crash my present. Please do not use my photos without my permission. AidaThePinkGoddess™ © 2010 all rights reserved

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
30 Weeks Already? Seriously??
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 2:15 PM 0 chemistry(s)
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Appreciation Night
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 3:35 PM 2 chemistry(s)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Last Monday, we set mission to hunt for baby stuff after B finished working. I was all excited looking at all the lists, including the most helpful one-the one Purple lady forwarded me. Tq Eppa! But to our dismay, 1Borneo does not offer up to our expectation. Sekerat dua je barang, takde choice, maybe we should expand our hunt to other places, selain mothercare di KK Timesquare, where else to look for baby stuff?
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 9:41 AM 13 chemistry(s)
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Seashells wedding
Happy Maulidur Rasul everyone! Today me and B attended a friend's wedding with one interesting theme- seashells! They had it all in blue and sea-ish and shells! beautiful indeed. The funny thing was, yesterday, we tagged along my MIL to a wedding and it happened to be the same couple but sebelah perempuan, so we actually attended both occasions for his wedding. heh. rezeki...
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 5:24 PM 6 chemistry(s)
Friday, February 3, 2012
Alololo, dia dah bukak mata!
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 2:29 PM 3 chemistry(s)
Thursday, February 2, 2012
One Moment In Time
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:16 PM 4 chemistry(s)