Something worth knowing, I came to know about my pregnancy during the wee hour, the morning I went for my Kursus Asas PTD in Akademi Laut Melaka (ALAM). Despite all the signs, I dismissed them until that day. I was happy + nervous when I saw +ve for my UPT. The only thing I resented- Hubby was not with me for the priceless moment, Why didn't I have the test earlier!?! Fortunately I had the urge, if not, I would be at risk with all the extreme activities in ALAM. To name a few, we have riadhah twice a day, heavy duty riadhah with the jumpings, pumping, sit ups and running, 1000000 times of them. The one I scared the most was called PT10. PT10 is 200x (at least) or more of starjumps married with frog jumps. Can you imagine that? Then we had diving and plank jump from the height of 8 metres. Deep in my heart, those activities did tempt me but I was helpless. There's something one I care more about now.
Although exempted from all the sports activity, the schedule was really hectic, we slept at the earliest, 2am every day, I pitied myself that I had to go through those alone, in a foreign land with total strangers..sob3..
After completing the course, I quickly made a comfirmation check in Klinik Putrajaya and that was the peak when I checked with the reality. I was finally convinced that I am a pregger. And that was that awkward moment when Hubby's text read: I love you both so much. Err...
Now, I am serving in Putrajaya bound for my transfer application which cost me my tears. For the time being, I just think positive, bear with the demanding environment although only God knows it's really3x bitter to swallow. Allah knows the best!
6 chemistry(s):
salam aida..congratulations..
kmk nadiya,silent reader ktk..selalu bc blog ktk :)
btw,ktk dpt posting kt cney??hhmm..fhm kmk prsaan berjaohan coz im currently kt pjaya..keja ctok while my hubby kt kch..sgt kmk blom da baby gk..hope ktk kuat k..
ha'ah, dpt imagine starjump married wit frog jumps=muscle pain gilaa.
btw, congratz kak aida :)
Congrats to u,dear! Wah best2,dpt aida jnr xlmk gk.btw Later2 do u hv 2 go Intan for sum PTD training & OBS thingy?my bro stil talks bout em,aft 3yrs.ur hubby dpt which hosp?mintak la hosp putrajaya/serdang.x jauh frm u.
LL: ya, we have 4 courses prior confirmation. my hubby dpt QE, his dreams, huhu
hi aida...
firstly congrats on being a mummy! you look so glowing :)
secondly, if you don't mind sharing your weight during your wedding? because you look so gorgeous on that day..
and also, your fitnes regime during and before your wedding.. because you seem so different than your engagement..
all well ends well.. not to worry... always pray ... doa awak berada dlm keadaan terbaik spjg pragnancy... may allah bless u...
PJJ mungkin akan lebih semarak kan love in ur married life... ;)
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