Yesterday, I did an OGTT test, (Oral Glucose Tolerance Test) and that means I have to fast for half day before my blood was drawn prior and after fasting. Alhamdulillah, both test turned out excellent. Fasting even for half day during pregnant is seriously a tough task! haha, I don't want to repeat this test at any circumstances anymore! Luckily B is expert at withdrawing blood.
While waiting for the second test (that was after I drank a concentrated glucose drink. the gap is 2 hours) I went for window shopping at Suria. A lot of shops were still not operating. Me and B plan to go for a haul baby shopping starting next month, so far, we haven't bought anything yet (except for some rompers just because they are cute and cheap) neither that we have any knowledge about baby stuff! @_@ Last two days, we bumped into our family friend and he was excited telling us about their purchase of baby stuff and the details. His wife is 28 weeks pregnant and it is their 1st child too. That was the moment when I feltthat I must start eyeing and purchasing bit by bit from now on. Am 25 weeks and 7th month will pass by before I knew it!
Being first time parents and the fact that we just started our lives, budget is our concern. As much as I want to pamper the 1st newborn but it is for her own good too. So we decided to settle for simple and in-exorbitant brand and what is necessary only. I did the same thing for my wedding :) he
So mothers out there, what are the most critical thing to get a newborn? Feeding set? warmer? clothes? please drop your 2 cents. Should you have any recommendation about the best brand, anything, please share yah! I appreciate it! :) The clock is ticking, I must start now!!
21 chemistry(s):
my exp-benda paling penting is breast pump lah sbb mmg niat nak bg anak fully i botol utk simpan ss mmg beli byk sgt.
cot xyah beli kot if u bf.
stroller kena sgt & if u always alone (mean hari2 kena buat smua keje sdr) like me car seat kena sgt.
lain2 xyah sgt kot.beli sikit2 & ikot keperluan bb
smua pink..teruja
my exp-benda paling penting is breast pump lah sbb mmg niat nak bg anak fully i botol utk simpan ss mmg beli byk sgt.
cot xyah beli kot if u bf.
stroller kena sgt & if u always alone (mean hari2 kena buat smua keje sdr) like me car seat kena sgt.
lain2 xyah sgt kot.beli sikit2 & ikot keperluan bb
smua pink..teruja
TQ aini!!
As my bffs mostly are indirectly dpt info psl new born ni. For brand, slalu dgr diorg mentioned Avent & Tommy Tippie. And as for the essential stuffs; car seat, nursing pillow, warmer.
For clothes, beli ala kadar sbb baby cepat membesar. Klu byk sgt baby xsempat mo pakai. Ahaks.
if u're planning to exclusively bf ur baby, then breastpump + milk storing stuffs are must. i'm a fulltime working mom, alhamdulillah been bf my bby for 11 months now n im using Avent manual pump..very convenient n handful.
as for clothing, dont buy too much newborn size as baby will growing up some in newborn size n some in bigger size (3mnths++ or 6 mnths ++). but dont buy just TOO much. coz baby's gear are updating frequently, more cuter pattern/fashion will come out n you'll never can avoid d temptation to buy even more. haha (bcakap dr pengalaman).
as for stroller..i dont buy any until my bby is 8 mnths old coz when he's smaller n lighter, he prefer to be carry n hug. after 8 mnths, he's getting heavier then br beli stroller. but it's up to you n ur lifestyle to buy strollers or not n choose the one that suit you, your baby n your vehicle (bcz stroller size can take most of the storage compartment in your car + d stroller weight factor to be consider).
emm..byk lg bnda for bby..later i'll update.but u can always google for baby checklist on d internet or ask experienced mom out there :)
salam akak.. set bersalin produk amway bagus kak..senang dan berkesan..sis dan SIL sy guna ni..
akak jenguk2 la ya ;) tq!
bg saya benda penting ialah peralatan baby yang diguna utk harian..pakai hr..contohnya..botol susu, towel kecik,towel besar. selimut bb dan Electric Bottle and Food mcm baju xyah bli byk sgt sbb bb cepat besar..
stroller dan breast pump senarai kedua terpenting dlm hidup saya...
lepas tuh pasal jenama....yg penting selamat diguna dan dipakai k...saya pun xbrapa kisah..ikt kemampuan..mcm saya...bajet yang sedang2 sj...
M&M: thanks! stroller tu pun i thought of buying it later. hehe
fa aja2: tq, ant yg considered is set bersalin sendayu tinggi..
BH: tq!
Breast pump jenama Avent, manual is already good enough if you feel that the electric one is pricey.
Baby cot is a need because your baby also wants to be in the living room, takkan memerap in the bedroom all the time. From my experience, those made from wood (boleh lipat) is very useful, I think ard RM250 can get a good one - normally made from rubber wood, the side railing adjustable and the floor of the cot can be placed higher or lower according to the baby's age. Baby cot made of fabric, collapsible entirely is not very practical because it is bulky and baby can't see what is happening outside (because kain bah, bukan kayu jarang-jarang).
Stroller is more practical than pouch (I think lar...). Baby car seat is quite essential because you might have to travel alone with your baby. I think jenama My Dear is quite affordable and reliable.
Lampin kain - jenama Anakku is OK coz the kain will not go senget2 lepas kena spin dlm washing machine.
Bath tub with flat base, not those with "ergonomic" base coz as the baby grows older, she might not enjoy the blunt edges. And don't forget anti slip mat to go with the bath tub. :)
Baju baby - those butang depan is more convenient and since kita diam dekat dgn garisan Khatulistiwa, get more of those baju lubang-lubang. Mun diam Russia, beli baju tebal dikit. XD
Bantal - beli extra of the same thing coz anytime that pillow can be her bantal busuk. Boleh tukar-tukar bah.... :)
Happy shopping dear... :D
wah what a complete reference I got here, tq so much, my mom recommends me to buy a playpen. what do u think?
seems like breast pump tops the essentials!
ok jugak..boleh guna lama..sampai bb bkaki 4..pastu bl aida bt kja dia boleh main dalam tuh....ahakzzz....
Paling pentingbeli b4 baby kuar:
set bersalin,bath tub,baju baby(butang depan),selimut,lampin kain(besa kmk k lap2 mun nya muntah jak haha),pampers (newborn),swaddle blanket(org tua tkt ank terkangkang so instead k lampin mek k blanket tok coz kdg2 bby gns...mun k lampin balut jap jak blanket tok senang pakei ;p),minyak yu yee cap limau,losyen,top to toe pn sabun,losyen k diaper rash(prefer johnson n Johnson),topi,bantal,kapas,baby wipes,sapu tangan,sarung tgn,stokin,botol susu,pam susu,berus k cuci botol susu,termos.....
Dah baby kuar n ada duit lebih,blh invest:
Katil (kmk dh nk msk 3 anak...ekot pengalaman 2 anak mek tyme ats amben jak mauk lam katil...pasya mauk jd sardin dgn parents) kira ok bah bli katil/playpen...leh k adik2 nya kelak....katil anak kmk trn temurun since adik kmk lok*tahan coz semua k sebln jak then msk kotak balit hahaha****,sterilizer(coz salu mun msk botol salu lupak),warmer(kmk x penah bli coz mek salu rendam jak k air pns...but kakak mek ada pk...depends dgn ktk pn keperluan gine),stroller(depends dgn anak juak...anak mek 1st suka stroller,2nd suka bby carrier,3rd blm tauk....apr br kuar kikiki),car seat(kmk sa ktk perlu coz ktk tgl berdua n if nk mbak anak g klinik sorg2 ssh*kmk 2thn jauh dgn laki so carseat kira penyelamat bla mak mek xpat teman mek kuar),termometer(anak lak salu demam),mucus extractor(mun ktk pakar sedut direct then xperlu la bli),hurm ya jak kot yg mek igt...lak mdh gik mun ada yg teringat k...take care!!!
p/s:clothes,bootie dgn gloves ya x perlu bli byk....nang bena kata org baby cpt besar*lagipn 1st baby besa ramei org hdh kan baju hahahaha
dr pengalaman jihan la kan, mmg stroller tu guna bila baby dah mula masuk 7bulan ke atas. awal2 lahir biasanya kita lebih suka dukung, kalo tak pun guna baby carrier. lagi senang nak bawa, sangkut kat badan jak :) syaakirah pun lebih suka pakai baby carrier sbb nmpak org berjalan drpd guna stroller. carseat pun kena beli jgk tapi lepas abis pantang pun takpa.
utk breast pump tu, kalo aida mmg nak bf baby fully, mmg patut beli! jihan dulu beli manual, tapi smpi 4bulan syaakirah tak suka susu badan. nasib baik beli yg murah je, so takde la rugi sgt.
baby cot atau playpen pun penting, tp jihan lebih prefer playpen sbb dia bleh main dlm tu smpi merangkak dan start berdiri.
utk baju pun, jgn beli newborn size byk2. cukup 2-4 pasang je pun ok. beli size 3month ke atas sbb baby mmg cepat membesar. kena beli yang berbutang depan sbb kepala baby masih lembut, so takdelah nak balik2 masuk keluar baju dari kepala baby kan? dan rompers pun ok jgk, cuma susah skit la nak cek kencing berak baby nnt.hehe.
barut baby dan bedung baby pun penting sgt2! tanya kak nad la, :) biasanya yg jual kat parkson or supermarket tu size kecil.
rasanya tu je kot, yg lain2 tu boleh tanya kak nad :) hehe.
barut baby tu mak aida dah readykan, tq jihan
ano: waa lengkap! tq2!!
Oh yes, digital thermometer yang tembak2 di telinga. Quick and reliable. Mun di Cosway, beli pakey kupon + RM100 plus minus (that is considered cheapest la within its range, I have extra coupon if you want). Katil lipat yg kmk mention ya merangkap playpen. Dolok marek bila Iris dah start bertatih, kmk masukkannya dlm playpen (kira kena kandanglah).
And lots and lots of towel... And standby gripe water coz baby akan selalu experience kembung perut and susu sik hadam.
During the first week, normally air susu belum keluar. So have to invest in formula dolok. Aliyah dolok diberik Dumex Mamex which doesn't cause her to constipate. A friend of mine gives her baby jenama Snow.
Food warmer - from my experience lah, sik dpt cayak gilak. I bought one unit (supposedly a highly recommended brand in Singapore), followed the instruction and the food/milk turned out too hot to be consumed right away. Traditional method (air panas) is still the best. For sterilizing, kmk org rebus jak (yeah, traditional and murah, heheh).
Utk permulaan nie just beli la baju baby dlm 10 psg utk new born.. then sikit² beli sebabnyer baby akan cepat membesar nanti... mcm stroller, walker semua tue beli bila baby dah kuar... mcm shiem dlm otak just pikir nak breastfeed baby.. so stuff utk breastfeed mang dah stanby awal.. beli breast pump... botol susu pun x beli mang direct feeding jer dlm pantang... seminggu lepas bersalin dah strunggle kumpul stock bila dah start keje... kumpul banyak²... pastu botol susu tue ikut pada poenerimaan baby.. ade yg boleh terima tomme tippee, ade yg x boleh... mcm shiem, Amiena alhamdulillah nak botol tomme tue... Pendek kata, aida beli la sesikit dulu... tgk ape keperluan yg epnting dulu k... set bersalin?? Penting woooo.... Shiem suggest NONA ROGUY~!!! Bagusss sangat.. selalunya org lps bersalin akan sembelit.. NR mang setelkan prob bab sembelit.. then badan akan ghase segar bugar.... betull... bukan nak promote... hahaha... Utk kesihatan ibu pun penting tau!! Bukan utk baby jerkk!! hehehe
Kak Ana: Gripe water is the hercules water right? ya am so stingy to buy sterilizer and warmer too. haha good thing u said that.
shiem: Sendayu tinggi ok tak?
Assalamualaikum. Congrats for your first baby. Mesti excited and happy nak molah shopping list. Focus on several things only before you purchase the whole baby store k!
1. Confinement set for yourself. This is very important. Depends on your choice; either ubat kampung or the ready made one. Highly recommended; Nona Roguy confinement set. Not forgetting bengkung.
2. Breastpump is optional. If you're working and breastfeeding, better to purchase double pumping electric breastpump. Together with the storage bottles, breastpump bag n ice packs. Kmk dolok makei recycle container storage utk simpan dlm freezer.
3. Keperluan asas baby; baju, seluar, etc. I think you have it all. My advice; beli baju for newborn n 3 months. At least 6 pasang baju tidur n 6 pasang baju siang together with the seluar. Sebab baby kdg2 muntah, or baju n seluarnya kotor sbb bhn2 buangan dari badan. Terutama baby boy! Plus the weather is unpredictable. In case baju sik kering or etc. ;-D
4. Pampers. Very important! Mesti beli banyak for extra stock d rmh. Buy newborn, size XS n S pampers. It's ok to buy more. As pampers are changed at least 4 to 5 times per day.
5. Drapolene n minyak telon. Sangat membantu dlm confinement.
6. Small and big napkins. Banyak kegunaannya dlm confinement.
7. If you're on budget, you can opt to buy a baby sling first. Mun klaka Sarawak ya bersandit. Anak kmk duak2 makei baby sling. I prefer to use it as I'll feel closer to my baby. The baby will feel more secure since he/she can sense their mom's body smell and heat. Baby sling kinek tok pun trendy design.
8. Playpen is optional too. Mun ada lebih budget, boleh dibeli or you can buy it after confinement.
9. Set tilam n bantal baby. Cute right!
10. Besen mandi baby, tikar getah n toiletries.
Your preparation depends on your decision too. If you opt for breastfeeding, then search more information on it. You can join and participate in the forum.
Prepare for any consequences for your delivery. Normal and caesarian delivery care are different. Equip yourself with the knowledge. Confinement is very important too. Jaga pantang dlm 3 bln ya. Make sure semua brg baby cukup n elakkan kerap keluar dr rmh ketika berpantang.
Alright, take care!
Aida, jadi new parent perlukan byk cost..jadi kena la budget. What I did was;
1- Breast pump. Penting. And bottles, sterilizer.warmer
2- Baju baby. mesti ramai yg sarankan jgn beli newborn size. But hey, she's so tiny kesian pakai baju besar. Beli je. Secukupnya coz u wont get out until habis pantang.
3- baby cot - no need la, until dia dah 3-4 bulan. lama lagi
4- Stroller- unless mmg kaki jalan, dah habis pantang terus u think u're? So beli. There's malaysian brand sweet! and murah. I pakai smpai Aariz 7-8 bulan. Then pastu tukarla jenama lain.
5- barut senangnye buat. Amik kapur perah limau then minta abu balutkan kat perut. i tak makan herbs. panas. Do NOT drink air kunyit if sape2 suruh. gatal.
6- beli bantal baby yg ada lubang kat kepala. I tak bg my baby tidur meniarap. cuaca malaysia panas, tak sesuai sebenarnye. or u can also beli bantal gembira- made from beans. jenama sweet cherry. letak kat dada baby supaya dia tak terkejut2 tdur.
7- Last but not least, breastfeeding bra!
ape lagi ye...takpela nanti sambung kat fb if i terfikir lagi.
Sendayu tinggi x pasti.. sebenarnya ikut pd tuan badan la... Member shiem makan ade yg x ok.. tp NR nie ghamai member yg makan mang ok sgt.. shiem pun smp skrg masih amalkan makan NR even baby dah nak masuk 7 bln... Badan ghase segar jer...
waaa that's insightful, thanks ernie, kena terus survey brand sweet cherry ni! hehehe
shiemz, yeke, bestnya!
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