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Life has taught me a lot about never to put hope on anything but ALLAH. Because when it turns out otherwise, the pain is unbearable. What crashed my past can never crash my present. Please do not use my photos without my permission. AidaThePinkGoddess™ © 2010 all rights reserved

Ayra Maysaa

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Abu Ubaidah & Aidalina Nikah Highlights

12 chemistry(s):

SweetyMui2 said...

i'm waiting for this!!! thanks kak :) xsaba mok ngga..hee

God's Angel said...

Love the video!
Beautiful bride and groom..
Congrats Aida!

Neeja Ami said...

wahhhhh lOve the PINk theme :)

reena said...

So sweetttt! Congratulations!

reena said...

Aida, i actually nangis tgk video ni! So sweet & beautiful :)

Khairieah said...

tahniah kak aida..semoga berkekalan sampai bila2!

Joan said...

abu junior in MRSM. wah, you two lovebirds are now husband and wife.

tahniah aida and abu. CONGRATULATIONS!!

lovin the pink theme so much!!

Anonymous said...

congratulations sis! rasa macam nak kahwin juga bila tengok montage ni! hehe..

semoga sis and hubby happy forever =)

p/s so sad lah tak dapat datang reception sis this weekend =(

Anonymous said...

congrats sis

nurulfaridah said...

so sweet :)
hope u r always happy with your husband. :)
congrats kak aida!

Anonymous said...

Masya Allah...kacak gilak..kejawak ada ajak ktk 2 lowk..tahniah skali gik...weee!!!

saeko_nakamura said...


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