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Nokia X3-02 Pro: Touch & Keypad sekali Camera 5MP Contra: 100 more expensive than C3 Too small/slim OR... |
Hati berat kepada C3, tapi function touch screen X3-02 sangatlah menggoda jiwa..... please2 help me justify why I must choose which..
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Nokia X3-02 Pro: Touch & Keypad sekali Camera 5MP Contra: 100 more expensive than C3 Too small/slim OR... |
Approved by Aida The Pink Goddess at 12:02 PM
dan enyah saja kau, pekat!
Seperti berjelaga jika aku sendiri
Pecahkan saja gelasnya biar ramai
Biar mengaduh sampai gaduh
Ahh.. ada malaikat menyulam jaring laba-laba belang
di tembok keraton putih
Kenapa tak goyangkan saja loncengnya?
Biar terderah,
atau… aku harus lari ke hutan belok ke pantai?
17 chemistry(s):
ida penah nmpak yg c3 real2..
warne hotpink..
mmg cantik!!
c3 macam kacak gik! :)
*drooling eyes*
I would go for the 1st Aida albeit the not so cheap price. Worth it!
*pingsan jap*
c3 is much better.
suka nokia x3-02,
asyik tgk je tiap2 hari,,
tapi xde 3g kat dpan 2,,kalau xsilap.now,,xtau nak beli yang mane.. T_T
all: thanks, yg X3 menarik perhatian sebab touch screen and 5mp cam, tp hati ni mmg nak C3.huhuh
Hi Aida,
For me I would get the c3 because of the qwerty pad. it's so much more easier to type with. Also, unless it's iPhone, touchscreen cepat rosak and really expensive to repair... Just my 2 cents on it.. :)
hi phoebe,
itu pndngn msng2kan,,tp lau kte gnas fon bgus cm ne baik pon rosak gak kan,,like me,,fon dh jhanam huhuhu T_T.
tp ttp rase x3 tue smart huhuhu.
anyway,salm prknalan ^_^
thanks aida and phoebe for being very2 conceern :)
Hi aidaRupanzel..
True2.. Like I said, just my 2 cents on it. Same like me lor, I'm butterfingers when it comes to handphones and other gadgets. Haha.. Nice knowing you too..
You're very much welcome Aidalina. :)
kak aida, yang C3 ya kamera sikda autofokus, so mok nak blur mun bergambar, sebab kamek penah testing juak. tapi nak X3 ya sik tauklah kamek. Tapi mun nangga rupa luar, nang X3 ya stylo giklah, ada feel blackberry gia. =p
i think x3 is much more cooler..like Phoebe said,its easier to type with qwerty pad..if you interest in full touchscreen phone,i suggest you to look for android phone..its much more cooler than nokia and iphone..
Aida, Nokia punya hp touch screen (any model) sucks. Really. My bf dah kena dah.
thanks a lot reena, mmg hati berat kepada c3..hehe
aidaaaa, follow ur instinct ..nanti nyesal =P
C3 tu cantik! macam csl blueberry tp lg cantik!
ernie: bouught it! betul kata , mmg i tak menyesal langsung beli c3!
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